Registration will open on February 17th for the 2025 Season.


2025 REGISTRATION - Sign up

Each child will require a helmet, glove, running shoes or cleats and water bottle.  Team uniforms (shirt and baseball hat) will be provided to each player.

U11 to U18 teams play in the Montney League. The Montney League Baseball offers a competitive season of Baseball from May to June, catering to young athletes in age groups U11, U13, and combined U15/U18 divisions. With practices twice a week, players hone their skills for the showcase games typically held every second weekend, featuring 3 to 4 games per event. Showcases rotate between host cities, including Fort St. John, Beaverlodge, Grande Prairie, and High Prairie.


BMBA will be conduction player evaluations for U13 to U18 on April 12th from 1:00-4:00PM and April 13th from 3:15-6:15PM. More information will be sent out in the upcoming weeks.



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